** Floribunda Rose Day Breaker

Posted by BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS | 7:31 PM | 0 comments »

By barrie

Floribunda rose Day Breaker is another rose honored by the All-American Rose Selections committee. I’ve been on this streak with that bunch (the AARS) so I might as well keep it going with another dazzling rose, should you be inclined towards Floribunda roses and their ilk. The blooms themselves are stunners, a light orange-apricot (I remember the heartbreak of Tropicana so well…). To Day Breaker’s credit, the roses last a long time cut or on the shrub, fragrance is a nice Tea rose scent, and flowers come in wave after wave throughout the growing season.

Day Breaker was introduced by Edmunds Roses who have since gone out of business, but I have seen Day Breaker offered for sale and it seems to be widely available. As always, look for quality plants at your local nursery. One can plop the sickest looking tomato plant you ever saw in the ground and bring it back, but with roses it does seem to make a lasting difference to the long-term health of the plant if one orders from a reliable source. Height is three to five feet and bushy. I still have yet to find a Hybrid Tea or Grandiflora rose that I would include in the mixed garden, as their kind are best grown for flowers in their own beds. There are indeed some Floribunda roses that can be part of the garden community (Dainty Bess springs to mind), and used judiciously, perhaps with some purple and gold bed mates (Verbena bonariensis and black-eyed susans maybe, although perhaps the black-eyed susans are too harsh to the softish tone of Day Breaker), maybe Day Breaker is a rose that will work for you.