** Hybrid Tea Rose Blue Girl

Posted by BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS | 8:40 PM | 0 comments »

By barrie
Hybrid Tea rose Blue Girl is a fairly crap rose. If it were not for the lavender color of the flowers, Blue Girl would surely have been dropped from the commercial rose market years ago. Blue Girl is one of those roses that does poorly in many situations, yet, from those gardeners who are fortunate enough to succeed with her, she earns rave reviews. Unfortunately, I have never been one of the lucky ones.

Large, somewhat informal flowers of lavender move towards pink on the color scale. Like all of the so-called blue roses, Blue Girl is not blue. The blue pigment in flowers, delphinidin, is not naturally present in roses; past introductions of blue roses have been lavender or light magenta.
Also, a final hint regarding Blue Girl: gardeners who succeed seem to live in less humid climates.